It is important to us that there is clear communication between pet professional and pet owner. Below is a copy of our New Client Service Agreement form that outlines our policies. We take the time to run through our policies with our clients at their very first appointment to insure they are fully informed.
New Client Service Agreement
Your dog is very important to us, and The Unleashed Boutique would like to assure you that every effort will be made to make your animal's grooming experience as safe and stress free as possible. It is also important to us that we have clear communication between pet professional and pet owner. Please fill out our New Client Service Agreement form by initialing and signing to confirm you understand our policies.
_______Health or Medical Problems: Occasionally, grooming can expose a hidden medical problem or aggravate a current one. This can occur during or after grooming. All medical expenses for veterinary care will be covered by the animal's owner upon signing this agreement.
________To prevent injury or exacerbation of medical issues, the client must inform the groomer of all medical issues. All medical expenses for veterinary care will be covered by the animal's owner upon signing this agreement.
_______Emergencies: In the event of an emergency, in your absence, you authorize The Unleashed Boutique to contact the nearest Veterinarian and authorize the Vet to treat the dog as necessary at your expense.
_______Current Vaccinations: All dogs being serviced in our grooming salon must be current on their rabies vaccination (required by law) and provide documentation of such. All puppies must be at least 12 weeks old and current on their puppy series vaccines with documentation of such.
_______Cancellations/No Show/Late Fees: Cancellations and reschedules made under 24 hours are subject to a cancellation fee of 50% of the appointment’s quoted price. This goes for no shows as well. Being 30 minutes late for your appointment is considered a no show; your appointment will be forfeited and there will be a charge of 50% of the appointment’s quoted price. As we are a one-on-one appointment only salon, it is very important to be punctual for both the drop off and pick up. Chronic tardiness may result in fees.
_______Fleas/Ticks: Pest prevention and treatment is the responsibility of the client. Finding Fleas on a pet during the grooming visit will result in the immediate end of the groom. The dog will be sent home and the bill will reflect any work that was completed as well as a $30 cleaning fee. Please reschedule your appointment after the fleas are resolved. Please reschedule your appointment if you discover fleas on your dog prior to the grooming appointment.
________Dangerous Animals/Right of Refusal: The Unleashed Boutique has the right to refuse any services at any time. In the event that your animal is too stressed or becomes dangerous to groom, The Unleashed Boutique has the right to refuse services, stop grooming services, or cancel services at any time before, during, or after grooming and the client will be charged a grooming fee for the services rendered until that point.
________Matted Coats: Every extensively matted dog requires a signed Matted Dog Release Form. Pets with severely matted coats will be given a Comfort Clip (shaved short). The Unleashed Boutique will not cause injury or undue stress to your pet by de-matting excessively matted coats. Cosmetic appearance is secondary in these cases. Any other method of hair removal would be MUCH too painful and or stressful for a pet that is severely matted.
________Breed Appropriate Grooms: We do not offer the shaving of double coated breeds, such as Golden Retriever or Pomeranian, as a service. Shaving is very damaging to the skin and coat of these dogs and can cause or aggravate health problems. We are happy to explain this further if you like, as well as to suggest some alternatives that will not harm your dog.
________Payment: Payment is due at time of pick-up. We accept cash, and E-Transfer only. The Unleashed Boutique’s rates are based on the duration of the groom and includes all grooming procedures (nail filing, oral care, ear care ect.) and Fear Free techniques necessary, up to the pets ability to safely endure them.
________Satisfaction: Your satisfaction is important to us. If you are unhappy for any reason, and would like something adjusted, we are happy to make any adjustments when you pick-up your pet from his/her appointment. We also understand that your pet is excited to see you when you pick them up, making it hard to closely evaluate the haircut. If, once you get home, you decide that you would like something adjusted, please call and we’ll make arrangements. You must call us and bring your pet in within 24 hours of picking them up from their appointment, otherwise a fee may apply.
I have reviewed this Service Agreement for accuracy and understand the contents. I affirm that I am the rightful legal owner of the dog(s) for which services are being rendered. I authorize this signed contract to be valid approval for future grooming services, permitting The Unleashed Boutique to accept telephone reservations or emails for service without additional signed contracts or written authorization. I understand that pricing is subject to change. I have read, initialed, and agreed to the above.
Signature___________________________________________ Date______________________